1. ANPR Solution on Edge and Cloud

For getting more detail about our ANPR Solution, please follow our Solution link at Xilinx Website: https://www.xilinx.com/products/intellectual-property/1-1dt436e.html

Our ANPR/ALPR [Automatic LicensePlate Recognition] Solution works on Xilinx Edge based FPGA devices as MPSoC [ZU4EV+, KV260 and Kria SoM FPGAs]. LogicTronix is Xilinx Alliance Member [Link] and Design Service Partner for Kria SoM FPGAs [Link]. So our solution is easily portable to any SoM and MPSoC FPGA having resources higher than ZU4EV. Higher the FPGA device will result higher number of streams and performance (FPS). This solution works with SoM or FPGA modules made by most of the top SoM vendors, we will be releasing specific products with those vendor based SoM very soon!

Our Solution also provide Cloud based Analytics platforms so customer can monitor the Parking facilities , status and details of parking remotely. And our solution work on the major regions of license plates for different analytics application, so it is easily portable to other regions as North America, Europe and Asia.

Here is the early preview of the working demo targeted to Toll Booth in India.

ANPR Solution demo-preview from the Toll Booth in India

Applications of our ANPR Solutions are on:

  1. Traffic Video Analytics and Smart City
  2. Private Parking and Public Parking
  3. Tool Plaza or Booths
  4. Traffic Management and Enforcement

Aside of “completely-edge based ANPR/ALPR solution” our cloud based solution is also coming to market, it have more wider range, feature and capability.

For the demo and preview for your edge devices or cloud platforms, please write us at info@logictronix.com.

2. AI/ML in Finance- Trading Solutions

LogicTronix also provides solution on Finance-Trading application, our solution works in-fusion of traditional trading strategies as PSAR, ADX, EMA, MACD, WAE etc for Stocks, Bonds, ETF and Forex. Our Solution is Machine Learning based solution which can provide semi-automated and automated decision feature for Traders, Hedge Funds and Investment Banks. These solution works at Cloud based platform so traders, funds or banks use it very intuitively from cloud based UI.

3. High Frequency Trading (HFT) Infrastructure Solutions

Our HFT Infrastructure solution works for NASDAQ based exchanges. Our solution has targeted performance of Sub-microsecond latency.

Solutions Brief: High Frequency Trading [HFT] Infrastructure Series

  1. OUCH for High Frequency Trading with FPGA [SBL025]: PDF Link
  2. ITCH for High Frequency Trading with FPGA [SBL026] : PDF Link

If you like to know about our HFT solution benchmark or details, then please connect us at info@logictronix.com

4. LogicTronix IP Portfolio

We have mainly two Streams/Applications of IP portfolio which we are marketing:

A. Computer/Machine Vision , Machine Learning and AI Inferencing

B. Cryptographic Hashing Function IP cores

For more details of our IP portfolio, please visit : LogicTronix IP Portfolio .For reviewing our IP, running/testing example design of our IP, IP Licensing and IP Support, please fill-up following form. We will contact you from: ip-sales@logictronix.com  | info@logictronix.com.